am having one of those “I want to play hooky” days. Last weekend wasn’t nearly
long enough and I’m still recuperating a week later (I think I may have
mentioned that I’m not nearly as young as I used to be). Perhaps I did too
much. Or maybe not enough.

The other great thing about the
Chocolate Affaire? Books! And the authors who write them (yes, that includes
me). I love this! There’s nothing better than hanging out with other authors except
maybe getting to introduce yourself (and your writing) to someone who hasn’t
read you before.
And let’s not forget the workshops.
These are fabulous presentations given by the authors (before I began
participating in the Glendale Chocolate Affaire as an author, I attended the
workshops. I can’t tell you how much I learned from these fabulous people!),
they’re open to the public and they’re free.
And that’s why I want to play hooky.
Did I have too much fun over this past weekend? Oh, you bet! But what’s that
old ditty? I owe, I owe so it’s off to work I go? Yeah, that’s me.
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