This blog is for those 18 and older.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Another 'First'


           Hello, gentle readers! Hope you are all well and staying safe!
This year has had a number of ‘firsts’ for me and it’s kind of unsettling, but also a bit exciting. I’ve never had a book up for Pre-Order so that was a first (and a very exciting one at that…check it out).
So what new ‘first’ happened recently?
I took my car to the car wash. I’ve never ever done that before. I’m one of those….wash my car in the yard with a bucket, sponge and hose. I’ve always done it that way simply because I’m frugal (the DH would say cheap, but it’s not cheap to do things yourself…it’s spending money wisely…at least that’s the way I look at it).
Anyway, as you may know, I live in Arizona…Phoenix, specifically…and this year, the heat just…got to me. I’d much rather spend my time hibernating in the coolness of air conditioning than do anything outside. In fact, if I didn’t have to leave the house, that was just fine with me (although we all know it’s not possible…there are errands to run and the day job, too).
So I was looking at my car one morning as I was getting ready to go to work and noticed (no, not for the first time, but I was ignoring it) just how absolutely dirty it was so I decided: why not take it to one of the many, many car washes around here? I kid you not, in the space of a three-mile radius, there are at least eight car washes—two within a mile of each other. So I did and…
I didn’t like it very much. I’m a tad claustrophobic so being inside my car inside the building with all that soap and water and brushes coming at my face…well, my anxiety level shot up a bit…but that wasn’t my biggest fear. It was being pulled along by the conveyor belt, the sound it made…and rolling off at the end. That’s where my anxiety level really spike…there was a terrible sound as I came to the end of my journey and put the car in drive. I think it was just the sound of coming off that conveyor belt, but I’m not sure. All I know is that it startled me.  
I spent the next couple days worrying that I may have damaged my tire (my new one). I didn’t, of course, but that didn’t stop me from obsessing about it or checking a couple times a day.
Will I do it again? Maybe, but I think the next time, I’ll try a different location…maybe one of those where they wash your car by hand and I won’t have to go through that weird tube…and most importantly, roll off that conveyor belt.
Other than that exciting (and scary) experience, things here in the Patrick household are good. I’m working hard. Writing, writing, writing and taking care of everything, which is what I do. The Marshal & Mrs. Morgan is coming along pretty well. I so love it when my characters surprise me and they are surprising me! And I’m expecting edits for The Maverick & Miss Miller within the next few days. I’m excited about that, too.
And that’s about all for me. Still lots more stuff to be done and so little time to do it. Stay well! Stay safe! And remember to spread kindness wherever you go!
