This blog is for those 18 and older.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

When First They Meet

In your opinion, how soon is soon enough for your hero and heroine to meet? First page? First chapter? Normally, I like the love interests to meet rather quickly….within the first or second chapter.
 However, I recently read a novel by one of my favorite authors and surprisingly, the hero and heroine didn’t meet until a couple chapters into the story. And it was fine. Actually, better than fine. The beginning of the story was the setup. In my humble opinion, the setup was absolutely necessary. The rest of the story, the romance of it, the falling in love, would not have made a bit of sense if I hadn’t known before hand the “why” of it. And because I knew the “why” of it, the anticipation of when these characters would meet for the first time grew….and grew….until I couldn’t wait. I knew it would be good.
 Not only good, but outstanding.
 And it was.
 This author did such a fantastic job of building my expectations, my eagerness, I couldn’t help the long sigh that escaped me or the rush of goose bumps when the hero and heroine laid eyes on each other. Anticipation is a good thing!
 So, how soon is soon enough? First page? First chapter? If it’s done well and the anticipation builds, I don’t think it matters, as long as they fall in love by the end of the story.

As always, happy reading!


  1. I think you're right, Marie. A variety of when they meet works for me. Sometimes they meet and don't even realize it till later.
    So, what book are you talking about?!

  2. I'm talking about When Passion Rules, by Johanna Lindsey. She's been one of my favorite authors for a long time and this story left me feeling so darned good by the time I reached the happily ever after (which, as you know, I'm a sucker for). Well worth the wait for the hero and heroine to meet.


  3. Thanks for the tip-I'm sure I have some of her stories in my TBR pile! And I'm definitely looking for one of those kind of reads.
