This blog is for those 18 and older.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Well, It's Done


        Hello, gentle readers! Hope you are all well and staying safe. Hope you all had a lovely holiday too!
So, as you may know, I took a few days of PTO over Christmas, bound and determined to finish my current work in progress. Well…I did it. I typed The End, just this morning, in fact. And I’m not quite sure how I feel about that. I’ve lived with these characters (and loved them) for so long, it feels sorta like a letdown that I finally finished the story. Almost like losing a beloved friend.
Of course, typing The End is really only the beginning. I still need to have my critique partner go over the last two chapters and the epilogue. Once I incorporate her corrections/suggestions, I move on to printing out all 267 pages (or more at that point), grabbing my red pen and reading everything out loud. Then it’s off to my beta readers to look for holes and glaring errors. Oh, I need to write the synopsis as well (and that’s a big dread on my part…condensing 267 pages down to two or three…not my favorite thing).
And then, I can start sending it out and cross my fingers that a publisher likes it. Whooo-hooo!
And that’s all that happening here. Even though I’ve had a few days off from the day job, I haven’t stopped working, but you know what? It’s all good. The writing thing I do for me, because I love it…it’s part of who I am and I’m not the same person when I don’t write.
One more thing before I go…
Happy 2022! I wish for you to be happy and healthy. I wish for you to be surrounded by loved ones. Actually, I wish for 2022 to be a spectacular year in any way you need it to be.  
Stay well! Stay safe! And remember to spread kindness wherever you go! 


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