This blog is for those 18 and older.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

An Update


        Hello, gentle readers! Hope you are all well and staying safe!
An update on my girl, Pepper. I have been doing what the vet said and giving her vegetables in place of some of her food and this is what I’ve learned…she likes carrots (frozen, canned or fresh, as long as they’re kinda mushy). She does not like string beans. No, sir! She very carefully removes them from her dish and places them around the bowl, kinda like what I did as a kid when my mother served liver. She thinks I don’t see this, but she can’t fool me. She’s okay with broccoli but doesn’t like peas. Most confounding to me is that she likes canned mixed vegetables.
Lacey, Pepper’s sister, doesn’t seem to have a problem with any of the vegetables—yes, I give her some, too, so she doesn’t feel left out.
It seems to be working, along with her medication, which she’s really good at taking…well, she really doesn’t have much choice—I’m not one to hide pills in cheese or peanut butter. I’ve noticed a little bit of a change in her…DH has noticed, too! She’s more active and seems to move more easily—not as stiff as she was. This makes me happy. She’s only five and a half and I know (from experience) that big dogs have a shorter life span than say, a chihuahua, but I’d like to keep her around for quite some time.
On other news fronts, DH is healing nicely from his broken rib. Coughing and sneezing still hurt, but it’s getting better. Now, if we can control the pain in his back, we’ll be good.
So…what else is going on? Well, I’m on the hunt for shoes and a dress. Our son is getting married in April—in Texas—where one doesn’t know what the weather will be like from one day to next. I have tried on several dresses and I must confess that I absolutely hate dressing room mirrors—either they are lying to me or they’re telling me the truth…both of which are possibilities and not good. I’ve ordered a few things from Amazon, which is hit or miss, but I am determined to find what I want!
Oh, I finally finished the love scene in Wife By Surprise. Whew! It was…a challenge, to say the least, but it’s done and I can move on. Yay!
And that’s about all that’s going on here. Stay well! Stay safe! And remember to spread kindness wherever you go!


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