This blog is for those 18 and older.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Alone in the Dark by Karen Rose

Another masterpiece by a truly gifted thriller/suspense/romance author!  Her novel may be 700+ pages, but there’s never a dull moment.

Homicide detective Scarlett Bishop is called to a murder and immediately runs into the man she’s been thinking about for the last nine months, Marcus O’Bannion, the local newspaper owner.

It’s obvious why a homicide detective would show up at a murder scene, but why would a newspaper owner be there first and wearing Kevlar?

Everything has a reason and Marcus was trying to help the woman now lying dead at his feet.  Not to mention he’s the one who specifically called Scarlett to the scene because she’s been caught in his dreams for the last nine months, also.

It’s a great trip through the underground as Scarlett works on solving the case.  She allows Marcus to see more than the average newspaper is allowed for reporting purposes, but he has special privileges.

And the extra privileges extend into the bedroom where Scarlett and Marcus have their own mystery to solve about relationships.

I thought the suspense and thriller aspects of the story held great merit and I’ve never been disappointed by one of Rose’s stories.  Plenty of romance littered the pages, granted the conflict between Scarlett and Marcus seemed a bit weak.  Although, if the conflict had kept them apart more, then the hot romance would’ve been less, so either way I consider it a win-win story!


Happy reading,

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