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Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The Paris Librarian by Mark Pryor

 Many times mystery mixes with romance and that's certain in Hugo Marston's life.  Living in Paris is a romance of it's own, and the Paris library has stacks of it.  

Hugo visits the library frequently, knows many of the regular staff, so is distraught at the death of his friend, Paul.  He's found in a locked room in the library basement.  Hugo can't believe Paul died of natural causes, and hurriedly begins to investigate.

The vacation Hugo had planned for his girlfriend, Claudia, is put on hold.  She's very patient, or at least she needs to be if they can endure his work without a schedule.

Hugo also meets with two women who are researching a former actress, Isabelle Severin.  In addition to a lot of flirting, Hugo is intrigued with their research which may be tied to Paul's death.  

I was a little nervous reading Hugo's investigation tactics.  Many intelligent and beautiful women came his way along with danger creeping around hallways and streets. I worried about Hugo keeping the love alive or even returning to Claudia's doorstep.

An intriguing read, yet I wish Claudia had a bigger say in the action.  It is a series, so it's always possible!

Happy reading,



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