When it All Ends
the final book in my Degrees of Darkness
series has been out for a few months now in both e-format and print. This was a
bittersweet ending for me as I said good-bye to two longtime characters of
mine, Detective Remy LeBeau and cowgirl Cody Lewis. These two have walked
around in my head for years, pushing me to write their stories. Now their
stories are out there for all the world to read and it’s time for me to move
When I completed the final draft of Reckoning in November 2013, I’ll admit,
I was sad to see it end. I had invested years—I’m not kidding on the years
part—in this series and the characters. New characters popped up along the way
as I wrote the books, but the main characters and their friends and family members
had always been there. I loved meeting the new people, and delving deeper into
Remy’s and Cody’s lives. Pulling out all the stops on how much danger and
conflict I could create between the two. Oh, and the cast of antagonists that
appeared still linger in my head. I wrote some truly awful bad guys and gals.
During the process of writing all four books in the Degrees of Darkness series I had the
privilege of “meeting” some truly awesome professionals in the law enforcement
world. Their knowledge helped me get a better understanding of how officers of
the law would do their jobs. And how some of them can walk across the line and
become crooks themselves. All of this showed me that those are the types of
characters I enjoy writing and will continue to do so.
Is this it for some of the Degrees of Darkness secondary characters? I don’t know. One
character, Detective Heath Anderson, sort of took over and became an integral
part of Remy and Cody’s stories. Heath has proven to be an interesting
character in his own right; good ole Texas boy, former Marine Recon sniper with
a blank past, a man who Remy trusts, and a loyal friend to both Remy and Cody.
In fact, some of my readers have asked to read a book about Heath. I would like
to explore him more. He has intrigued me enough that I’d love to see where his
story takes me, but right now a new set of characters have taken over in a
different book. So, Heath Anderson waits.
For now, it’s time to move on. One day I hope to
come back to this cast of characters and see what they’ve been up to since the
end of Reckoning. They did worm their
way into my heart. And I hope they do the same for you, the reader.
About Winter:
A lifelong Mid-West gal, Winter swears she should have been born in the South, Texas or Louisiana preferably. But then she’d miss the snowy winters.
Dividing her day between her four children and their various activities, a growing pet population, and her Beta-with-Alpha-tendencies Hero, Winter manages to find time to write chilling thrillers between loads of laundry.

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Interesting sounding series
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