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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Love Scenes

I have just finished reading Jennifer Ashley’s “Lady Isabella’s Scandalous Marriage” (yes, I know I’m woefully behind on my TBR pile, but that’s another topic). This is a brilliant story, full of everything we want in a romance.
            Jennifer writes such wonderfully erotic and warmly sensual love scenes (the kind that make you suck in your breath or giggle out loud) and I enjoyed reading every one of them. She has mastered this art, as have so many other authors.          
So I have to ask: Are you the type of reader who prefers to let your imagination soar after the bedroom door is closed? Or do you want to see what the writer has in mind once the action moves to the bed (or chair or floor or anywhere else the love scene might take place)?  How much is too much? How much is too little? Do the words used matter to you? Are there some that make you cringe?
            For me, I want to see it all and it doesn’t matter what words are used as long as the author can bring me into the scene completely. I want to see the slow dance of removing one article of clothing at a time. I want the gentle touches and the gasps of surprise, the indrawn breath that makes me draw in my breath too and sigh. I have read some love scenes that left me cold and wondering what the author was thinking. I have read others that just felt like they were stuck in middle of the story because the author simply thought it was time for the romance to be consummated. The ones I like best are the ones like Jennifer writes…full of passion and fire.       
            What about you?

As always, happy reading!


  1. I liked Lucy Monroe's explanation (paraphrased): A love scene needs to reveal something about the characters or it serves no purpose. Certain word choices are distracting, pulling me out of the story because I'm more aware of the word than what it was meant to convey. Some writers have a gift for writing those scenes, and some do not. I enjoy the ones who write the scenes well. There are also writers who create loving scenes without actually revealing anything. They're able to make you catch your breath, and nothing's actually happening. It's more intriguing than many of those writers who are blatant. Thanks, Marie, for the sharing the delicious Jimmy Thomas as well. :-D

  2. Loved your article! I'm like you; I like to have it all as long as it fits the story line-as Judy was just mentioning.
    I do like when the author makes you wait a little for the full throttle, but it's also frustrating. Just another way to keep the reader reading:) And when I expect and am lead to believe the H&H will take me all the way, I want details and many pages!

  3. Judy,
    I so agree with you. There are authors who give you the emotion, the sensuality without showing everything and yes, I love those scenes just as well. And Jimmy Thomas! He's my idea of gorgeous. More importantly, I've met the man and he truly is very sweet, very charming and very nice...a true gentleman.

    There is a certain ebb and flow to love scenes, to making us wait, to making us anticipate the first kiss, the first touch, but as I said, it must be done well. I love it when an author can describe a kiss so wonderfully, I actually sigh.

