Okay, so what am I going to blog about this time? Life?
Love? Laughter? Hmmm…I’m thinking this one might not go to
the “love” category and it’s iffy whether it truly touches on “life” for anyone
but me—because this just wouldn’t happen to anyone but me. So I guess it has to fall under
“laughter”. What, you say, couldn’t
happen to anyone but me? Well, let me
unfold the story for you.
I have been in desperate need of what we refer to as a “BMG fix” for
some time now. That’s a brainstorming
session with my critique group, the Butterscotch Martini Girls. Now, despite the name, we do often meet for
breakfast, and martinis are not always involved (not ALWAYS, but probably more
often than not). So please understand
that, for a change, this event was NOT alcohol-induced…honest!
Okay, here’s what happened. Tina
Gerow, Dani Petrone, and I met for breakfast this morning at the Iron Works,
which is a lovely restaurant attached to the Bellair Golf Course in Glendale,
Arizona. I want you to picture this…we
are sitting in the cool, air-conditioned comfort of a restaurant overlooking a
golf course and a small lake. There are
ducks and geese milling about the lake and serenely gliding over its surface as
group after group of well-dressed men in shorts are teeing off in front of
us. (Not a better place in town for a
single woman to start her Saturday!)
Anyway, I digress.

Anyway…back to the story titles.
Divulging the presence of a mean chicken in my story prompted several enthusiastic
rounds of chicken titles…such stunning gems as A Chicken to Remember, My
Life With a Chicken, How To Lose a
Chicken In 28 Days, A Body A Chimp
and A Chicken, My Fowl Weekend,
and Romance and Fowl Play. (None of which will ever grace the cover of
my story!) LOL We were having a big time of the chicken
titles and chicken jokes and were drawing some very strange looks from people
at the surrounding tables. The waitress
decided we were nuts and started steering a wide berth around our table,
actually going so far as to suggest we could get our own coffee. LOL
She laughed jokingly, but we’re writers.
We know what a thin line there is between jokes and the truth!
So…picture it in your mind…3 rowdy women sitting at a table in a nice
restaurant overlooking a beautiful golf course and a lake with a gorgeous green,
laughing and cutting up over stupid (really stupid) chicken book titles. All of a sudden, I freeze. I’m staring out the window and I can’t say a
word. I’m stunned.
Tina asks, “What’s up? The crane
trying to get into the tree again?”
I can’t answer. I’m
dumbfounded. All I can do is stare and
point out the window. I can’t get a
single word out of my mouth.
Now Tina and Bev are both turning in their chairs and positioning
themselves to see if they can see what I see.
Tina spots something and asks, “What is that? Is that the crane?”
I finally find my voice.
“No. No, that’s not the crane.”
Dani asks, “Well, what is it?”
I still can’t move…all I can do is stare…but I know what it is. “It’s a chicken! It’s a freaking chicken, a Bantam (Banty)

Okay, I can’t believe it…I gotta see this up close…this is just too freaking weird. So I take my cell phone outside and I crawl on my hands and knees across the grass to get as close as I can to this chicken, this demon from my childhood…because without a picture, no one will believe I found the demon spawn of my childhood on a golf course green in the middle of a metropolitan city! And this, my friends, is my proof! This is the picture of the demon chicken that haunted my dreams (and life) as a child!
Now, what’s really weird about all this is that my father passed back
in 2004, but I still feel (quite often) that he is still with me. He used to spend a lot of time at my house before
he passed, and I often feel his spirit and sometimes even talk to him. Now, I’m not the all-knowing creator, so I’m
not gonna say I know exactly what happens after death, but I do know that in my
mind and in my heart, I often feel my dad’s presence. So…when this stinking chicken shows up, who
is a dead ringer for my dad’s twisted pet, I get to thinking.
Tina is laughing and congratulating me on my ability to “manifest” a
chicken. Now, I’m not saying that’s not
what happened…but I am saying if I was setting out to intentionally manifest
anything, it would probably look a lot more like Sam Elliott or Hugh
Jackman—not the demon spawn of my childhood nightmares! So where did this chicken come from? I don’t know.
What I do know is that out of curiosity, I went to a psychic recently who
claimed to have spoken with my dead father and my brother. She hit the proverbial nail on the head for
so many things that it was downright spooky, but the one thing that comes to
mind for me at a time like this is that she said my father is with me a lot and
he told her now that I know he’s there with me, he will give me more
signs. So when I see something strange
that brings thoughts of him to mind, I should know he’s there with me.

chicken has mellowed over the years because he didn’t attack me not even once. He let me get fairly close and take his picture without a moment’s fuss. He showed off and strutted a little so I could get a good shot and even crowed once for me. Then he posed a second time to allow my dear friend, Dani to snap a surprise shot of me on my hands and knees chasing a damn chicken across a golf course to get a picture! And here’s her proof!
Now, just as a side note, there was one other “fowl” thing that happened to me this weekend. My youngest grandson lives part of his week at my house and he came over last night with a new little friend, begging to be allowed to add it to our dysfunctional little “farm” family—a duck. It is the cutest brand new baby duck you’d ever want to see, complete with its soft, downy yellow and black stripes and teeny tiny bill and little webbed feet. A coincidence? I think not! And where the hell was my sign, anyway? You know, the one that warns “Fowl Weekend Ahead!” Someone is definitely messing with me…and it’s NOT funny. (Well, maybe a little.) I tried to say NO to the duck, but it just wouldn’t come out because I used to have ducks and I loved them. So the little guy was allowed to stay and when I left the house this morning, the entire family was in the backyard filling a huge blue wading pool for this little teeny tiny duck. I sure hope they didn’t drown him in all that water!
Okay…back to my question…was it coincidence or was it my dad? It darn sure coulda been my dad! That’s just the kind of sick, twisted sense
of humor he had…which would explain a lot about his eldest daughter (me). LOL I
can go months or years with not a single “fowl” thing happening in my world…and
within a 24-hour period there are 3 stand-out, odd “fowl” occurrences??? Yep, that chicken was either a manifestation
gone BAD wrong, in which case I’m not sure I ever want to try and
manifest anything ever again. Or it was
my dad’s sick sense of humor. The story
is mine, but the choice is yours—manifestation or spirit?

Love ya.
UPDATE: Fowl Weekend Outcome
Now, I thought perhaps my son would be the
one level head in all of this, but I realized that was a pipedream when I
stepped out the back door one evening to find my son sitting in a lawn chair
with a flyswatter, killing flies and flipping them into the pool to feed Scooter. Nope, not kidding…here’s the
picture to prove it! The little black
spot is Scooter…the yellow spots are all his little yellow duckie friends. Yes, he’s a very popular duck. Scooter is now trained to lunge toward the
flyswatter each time it slaps the side of the pool. We might have to hide the flyswatter when
Scooter grows up! Hmmm…maybe we can
design a wing attachment for the fly swatter and train Scooter to bring home
his own bacon…uh…flies.
Well, that’s the update on my fowl weekend and Scooter. Hope you enjoyed it. That’s my story, wild and wacky, and I’m stickin’ to it. Hold on tight now ‘cuz we’re gonna go real, real fast!
Love ya,
UPDATE: Fowl Weekend Outcome
Well, a couple of days have passed since I originally wrote
my blog for this week and I thought maybe you’d like to know whether or not the
baby duck my grandson brought home survived the family swim outing, so I wrote
this addendum to the blog. Yes, the
little duckie did survive his plunge into the deep end. Turns out, you apparently can’t drown a
duck. They dropped the little guy in
water twice as deep as he is tall and he took off like Secretariat in the
Kentucky Derby…and he’s a cute little cuss!
Now, you might have noticed that I’m referring to him as a
“he”…and that’s because we have no clue what sex he is at this moment, but we
are hoping for a “he” since the “hes” are prettier than the “shes” in the
Mallard world. (Yes, I know that’s bad
grammar…do you not know me yet? I
butcher at will.) Anyway, the little
duck is a Mallard and was apparently rescued from a larger duck that was intent
on killing him. I can only surmise that
the little guy has a short attention span and missed a right turn somewhere
along the way, only to find himself left behind and at the mercy of any duck
who happened along…either that or mama duck was a psycho bent on offing one of
her offspring…because he appears to be perfectly healthy and normal.
So the little duck now has a new home and a new
name…Scooter…and a more appropriate name I’ve never seen. That little sucker scoots across the water
like he’s got a motor strapped to his…er…tail feathers. LOL
Those of you who know me thought I was gonna do it, didn’t you? Admit it, you did…you thought I was gonna say
the “a” word…but I didn’t. Aren’t ya
Anyway, back to Scooter.
He’s become the darling of the family and I suspect we are going to end
up with an insanely spoiled duck when this is all said and done. My son’s girlfriend has gone out and
purchased toys for Scooter…little yellow plastic duck friends to play with in
the pool and a little stuffed yellow duckie to sleep with.

Well, that’s the update on my fowl weekend and Scooter. Hope you enjoyed it. That’s my story, wild and wacky, and I’m stickin’ to it. Hold on tight now ‘cuz we’re gonna go real, real fast!
Love ya,
Kayce, you've done it again! I laughed so hard, I had tears in my eyes and nearly choked on my coffee (and of course, immediately started thinking of more "chicken" titles.....Chicken without a Cause, The Chicken and I). Thank you! What a fabulous way to begin my Friday!
Yeah...those won't grace my covers either. LOL But they are good. Hmmm...now that I think about it, perhaps these chicken titles would work for an internet dating book. :-) Perhaps a little adjustment...The Clucker and I???
ReplyDeleteKayce - I totally freaking love you! And I'm so glad to have a front row seat to so many of your wacky stories :) We definitely have to meet for breakfast again and see what else either your Dad brings us or that we can manifest all together! :)
ReplyDeleteLove ya!
I know it was your dad! Had to be!
ReplyDeleteTry "You should get your own Chickens".on as a title. They are your own words so you have rights to use them. Have fun with it..
ReplyDeleteFunny how just about anything can relate to reading and writing! And I too know that your dad was visiting that weekend-without a doubt.
ReplyDeleteGlad it was a fowl weekend not a foul weekend!!