I was fortunate enough to take the
whole week of Thanksgiving off from the day job (and the bathroom scale,
although said scale has been giving me the stink eye since last Sunday). What
did I do with my time off? Well, I cooked and cleaned and baked and read, and
played with the dog (my being off really messed up her schedule, not to mention
my DH’s routine) and avoided said bathroom scale like it was the plague. Oh,
and I watched a bunch of those holiday movies on the Hallmark Channel (love
those movies and all those happily ever afters!) I particularly enjoyed
Operation Christmas. For a sap like me, those happily ever afters really make
my day and I’m not embarrassed to admit that I may shed a tear or two while the
credits roll.
What else did I do? I wrote (and not
just in the morning as is my habit during the work week) and I finally finished
my current work in progress. I didn’t write “The End” though because there’s
still editing to do (and cutting! Oh my gosh, the cutting! I tend to get a
little wordy) and the dreaded synopsis to write but for all intents and
purposes, the story is done! I’m happy the story has ended (and with the way it
ended…because this story really kicked my butt!).
I’m a little sad, too. It’s hard to say “Goodbye”
to Theo and Eamon, Granny and all the rest of the characters who have been in
my life for the better part of a year (I’ll even miss the bad guy!), but I will
revisit them and that’s always a good thing.
Well, gentle readers, tomorrow is
Monday and back to the day job for me (there are bills to pay and work to be
done) but I so enjoyed my time off and getting to spend time with family and
friends (and that includes my characters). Hope you did, too!
always, happy reading (and watching those Hallmark movies and stuffing yourself
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